Smart Online Traffic Sign

Online traffic report at the road

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Smart online Traffic signs

Roshan Tolou Shargh Company has been successful in constructing smart online traffic signs with the aims of modern traffic flow management. This is a smart sign is a LED sign which is responsible to calculate traffic volume and travel time in different lines and time, and displaying them to drivers or passengers. It should be noted that traffic volume and travel time is obtained from data related to online vehicle counters which includes the number of passing vehicles and their average speed. Traffic volume and travel times of different routes are displayed online on traffic signs the color charts. Drivers can plan their trips with the help of this traffic sign and select the appropriate route. The activity of this board is quite smart and there is no need for the operator to be present.
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Advantages of smart online traffic signs

  • Processing and displaying traffic road situations fully automatic and intelligent
  • Ability to calculate the travel time of passengers according to the traffic situation